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Two-dimensional crustal structures of Taiwan from gravity data

Lin, Shu-Fan


The gravity survey is a great benefit method in geophysical research. This method is usually used to investigate the depth of Moho, the isostatic equilibrium status and the position of plate collision. In the Taiwan area anomaly map, the trend of gravity is in consonance with the overall structures trend of the island. The anomaly map shows that there are four gravity anomaly low areas and one gravity high area in Taiwan. The low areas are the HsinchuBasin in northwest Taiwan, the Taichung-PuliBasin in central Taiwan, the PingtungBasin located in southwest Taiwan and the Ilan Plain in northeast Taiwan. The one high area is Chengkung in LongitudinalValley and extends to Lyudao and Lanyu. Others, there are two low anomaly areas in the HopainBasin and the HualienCanyon in ocean area. In this study, there are three profiles referenced seismic data to model the 2-D density structures, calculate the Moho depth beneath Taiwan and find out what makes the anomaly low and high.



Yen, Horng-Yuan and Yih-Hsiung Yeh, 1998,Two-dimensional crustal structures of Taiwan from gravity data, Tectionics, vol.17, No. 1, p104-111

(Abstract) (Full text)

Yen, Horng-Yuan, Yih-Hsiung Yeh, Cheng-horng Lin, Kung-Jung Chen, and Yi-Ben Tsai, 1995, Gravity Survey of Taiwan, J. Phys. Earth, 43. 685-696

(Abstract) (Full text)










Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)