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Sequential Deformation in Foothills Belt, Hsinchu and Miaoli Areas: Implications in Hydrocarbon Accumulation

Shu-Fan Lin


Hsinchu area is in the northwest Taiwan foothills belt. We can see very imbricate thrust fault and fold structures in this area. In this area, there are three types of thrust faulting, the first type is high angle faulting along the reactivated pre-existing normal fault, the second type is low angle thrust faulting cut through the shallower strata, and the last type is a deeper decollement at the base of strata. The authors use the balanced cross section method to choose three stander strata, Shangfuchi Stone, Talu Shale, Piling Shale calculated the depth of this area is Wuchishan Formation. They assumed the basement is Wuchishan Formation too. Then, they used the this assume to predicted that the high angle faulting along the reactivated pre-existing normal fault was the earliest than the low angle faulting cut the shallower strata and the basement decollement. The low angle faulting cut the shallower strata was earlier than the basement decollement. The structures formed the fold and fault belts on surface in Hsinchu area. We can find those structures connect with transfer fault in seismic profiles.

Because the structure traps in subsurface, the area is the oldest and largest gas production field. The structure traps might have accumulated the hydrocarbons. The structures formed reasons are very important for the exploration hydrocarbons.



Yang, K. M., Wu, J. C., Ting, H. H., Wang, J. B.,Chi, W. R., and Kuo, C. L., 1994, Sequential Deformation in Foothills Belt, Hsinchu and Miaoli Area: Implication in Hydrocarbon Accumulation: Petrol. Geol. Taiwan, no. 29, p. 47-74.

(Abstract)(Full text)

Chang, S. L., 1972, Subsurface Geologic Study of the Hsinchu Basin, Taiwan: Petrol. Geol. Taiwan, no. 10, p. 63-87

(Abstract)(Full text)



Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)