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          Coulomb stress changes caused by repeated normal faulting earthquakes
              during the 1997 Umbria-Marche (central Italy) seismic sequence
            The authors investigated fault interaction through elastic stress transfer among a
          sequence of moderate-magnitude main shocks (5 < Mw < 6) which ruptured distinct
          normal fault segments during a seismic sequence in the Umbria-Marche region
          (central Apennines).They also model the spatial pattern of aftershocks and their
          faulting mechanisms through Coulomb stress changes. They found that of the 1517
          available aftershocks, 82% are located in areas of positive stress changes for
          optimally oriented planes (OOPs) for coulomb failure. However, only 45% of the
          322available fault plane solutions computed from polarity data are consistent with
          corresponding focal mechanisms associated with the OOPs.
            Kuo-Fong Ma also used Coulomb stress changes in Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake.
          We may compare two with the similar method to the different area and takes
          advantage of this understanding Coulomb stress changes
          Concetta Nostro, Lauro Chiaraluce, Massimo Cocco, David Baumont, and Oona Scotti(2005),
          Coulomb stress changes caused by repeated normal faulting earthquakes during the 1997
          Umbria-Marche (central Italy) seismic sequence, JGR, VOL. 110, B05S20, 
          doi:10.1029/2004JB003386, 2005
                                        (Abstract)(Full text)
         Chung-Han Chan and Kuo-Fong Ma(2004), Possibility of forecasting aftershock distributions
         from stress change: A case study of inland Taiwan earthquakes, TAO, VOL. 15, No. 3,503-521,
         Sep. 2004
                                       (Abstract)(Full text)
         Kuo-Fong Ma, Chung-Han Chan, and Ross S. Stein(2005), The response of seismicity to Coulomb
         stress triggers and shadows of the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake(2005),JGR, VOL. 110,
         B05S19 doi:10.1029/2004JB003389, 2 
                                       (Abstract)(Full text)
Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)