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     Empirical models for site- and region-Dependent Ground-Motion Parameters in Taipei
                                             Chun-Te Chen
             We analyze the site response of the Taipei basin using the records obtained
           by the Taiwan Strong Ground Motion Instrumentation Program network. The site
           response is obtained in terms of spectral ratios calculated by dividing of the site
           spectrum by the reference spectrum estimated for a hypothetical ˇ§very hard rockˇ¨
           site. The empirical source scaling and attenuation models for the Taiwan region
           are used for the reference spectra calculation. We calculated peak ground
           accelerations and response spectra for Taipei using stochastic simulation
           technique on the basis of the empirical models. The simple w-squared Bruneˇ¦s
           point-models provides a satisfactory estimation of ground-motion parameters for
           rock site. Effects of local site response are considered by means of empirical
           soil/bedrock spectral ratios calculated as ratios between spectra of actual
           earthquake records and those modeled for hypothetical ˇ§hard rockˇ¨ site.
           Vladimir Yu. Sokolov, Chin-Hsiung Loh, M.EERI; and Kuo-Liang Wen , 2000. Empirical
           Study of Sediment-FilledBasin Response: The Case of TaipeiCity, Earthquake Spectra,
           Volume 16, Issue 3, pp. 681-707 
                                         (Abstract)(Full text)
           Vladimir Yu. Sokolov, Chin-Hsiung Loh, M.EERI; and Kuo-Liang Wen , 2001. Empirical 
           Models for Site- and Region-Dependent Ground-Motion Parameters in the Taipei Area:
           A Unified Approach, Earthquake Spectra , Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 313-331
                                         (Abstract)(Full text)









Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)