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3D Finite Difference Simulation-Based Site Response Analysis of TaipeiBasin

YingRu Wang


Taipei basin is located at north Taiwan, which is constituted by soft soil. When some specific seismic wave pass through Taipei basin, it would make serious seismic disasters, for example, the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake (ML=7.3) and 31 March 2002 east coast earthquake (ML=6.8). Although the epicenters of these damage earthquakes are far away from the basin, the intensity within the basin is larger than the area near to the epicenter, because most seismic energy may be restricted by the geometry, topography and the low velocity area of Taipei basin. This work uses 3D discontinuous finite difference method to simulate the seismic waves propagating within the Taipei basin, and uses horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio to analyze site amplification around Taipei basin. The h/v ratio is obtained by using both synthetic and real data. The result shows that the fundamental resonance peak is affected by earthquake source properties, the edge shape of basin, and the velocity of shallow layers.



Parolai, S., D. Bindi, M. Baumbach, H. Grosser, C. Milkereit, S. Karakisa, and S. Zunbul (2004). Comparison of different site response estimation techniques using aftershocks of the 1999 Izmit earthquake, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 94, 1096-1108.

(Abstract) (Full text)

Coutel, F., and P. Mora (1998). Simulation-Based Comparison of Four Site-Response Estimation Techniques, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 88, 30-42.

(Abstract) (Full text)

Giacomo, D., M. Gallipoli, M. Mucciarelli, S. Parolai, and S. Richwalski (2005). Analysis and modeling of HVSR in the presence of a velocity inversion: the case of Venosa, Italy, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 95, 2364-2372.

(Abstract) (Full text)

Parolai, S. and S. Richwalski (2004). The importance of converted waves in comparing H/V and RSM site response estimates, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 94, 304¡V313.

(Abstract) (Full text)

Narayan, J. P. (2001). H/V Ratio and Amplification Factor: a Numerical Experiment using 2.5D Modeling, Geofizika Vol. 18-19.

(Abstract) (Full text)



Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)