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Crustal Structure Inversion Across Central Taiwan fromDiLi Test-shot Data

Yung-En Yu


High energy explosive source for wide-angle active and passive experiment (TAIGER) will be performed in 2007. To answer question like propagation attenuation effects and choosing the receiver location, a test-shot was carried out in DiLi at central Taiwan on 6 October, 2006. This research is utilizing the seismic travel-time to estimate a simple velocity structure.

A sedimentary basin velocity model estimated through V0-k method by integrating borehole and seismic data from CPC (master thesis, Chen, 2006) to within 5 km is incorporated to modify the existing Taiwan 3-D models (Kim el. al., 2005 and Wu et. al., 2007). Utilizing this updated 3-D velocity model to build a starting model for travel-time inversion. The seismic travel-time inversion is including forward modeling by ray tracing and damping least-square inversion. I utilize the forward modeling to help me identify later arrival phase. Final, I use first arrival travelt-time and a later reflection travel-time to constraint a three layers velocity structure.



Kim, K. H., Chiu, J. M., Pujol, J., Chen, K. C., Huanf, B. S., Yeh, Y. H. and Shen, P.Three-dimensional Vp and Vs structural models associated with the active subduction and collision tectonics in the Taiwan region

(Abstract)(Full text)

Tan k. Wand, Kirk McIntosh, Yosio Nakamura, Char-Shine Liu and How-Wei ChenVelocity-interface Structure of the Southwestern Ryukyu Subduction Zone from EW9509-1 OBS/MCS Data

(Abstract)(Full text)

Zelt, C. A., 1999, Modelling strategies and model assessment for wide-angle seismic Traveltime data, Geophys. J. Int. 139, 183-204

(Abstract)(Full text)

Zelt, C. A., and Smith, R. B., 1992 Seismic traveltime inversion for 2-D crustal Velocity structure, Geophys, J, Int, 108, 16-34

(Abstract)(Full text)



Course: Seminar II (for second-year MSc students)