Investigating the Liuchia Fault and Nearby Structures by Seismic Reflection Method
Chien-Hung Chen
The Liuchia fault lies near Liuchia town and follows the northern border of Muchiliao . The fault has obvious lineation pattern in topography,but there still lack geologic evidences to support its existence .Fault in the Chinese Geologic Survey’s(CGS)active fault list. This research uses the seismic reflection method to study the Liuchia fault including the location and the configuration of the fault. The possible mechanism of the fault evolution is also under investigation.
The Liuchia fault is formed as a result of the tectonic pushing with the Nio shan anticline. The Nio shan anticline is the main structural rise of the area and the Liuchia fault is at the bending axis of its western wing. North of the fault ,the variation of the structural strata are relatively gentle,we call its Muchiliao- Liuchia change part. This part link the Muchiliao fault at the north and the Liuchia fault at the south.
The general shape of the Liuchia fault appears as a disturbance along the bending axis when the layers are bent to become the western wing of Nio shan anticline . The fault, 17 km long ,can be divided into the northern and southern parts. At the northern part ,the fault suffers great distortion. But at southern part ,the layer bending becomes smoother without obvious offsets,and a syncline shape appears at the expected fault places.
王宏霖,2006. 以反射震測法研究木屐寮斷層及其附近構造,國立中央大學地球物理研究所碩士論文,118頁。
(Abstract) (Full text)
王乾盈、郭炫佑、陳璿臣、劉耕源,2004. 以反射震測法偵測桐樹湖斷層,經濟部中央地質調查所特刊,15,23-35。
(Abstract) (Full text)