Observation on Hector Mine, California earthquake from Radar Interferometry
Yu-Jen Chang
On September 21, 1999, Chi-Chi earthquake, its unanticipated effects on population and infrastructure frightened all people who live in TaiwanIsland. In the same year, The Mw7.1, Hector Mine, California earthquake occurred on October 16, 1999 and produced a 50 km-long surface rupture, about 20 km east of the surface rupture of the 1992 Landers earthquake. Application of Radar Interferometry can efficiently observe the land surface deformation. This geodetic technique calculates the interference pattern caused by the difference in phase between two images acquired by a space borne synthetic aperture radar at two distinct times. The resulting interferogram is a contour map of the change in distance between the ground and the radar instrument. In those studies, they use the range displacement and azimuth offset detected by satellite at the co-seismic surface displacement field, and derive a fault slip model from the two components to interpret the displacement caused by Hector Mine earthquake.
Gilles Peltzer, Frederic Crampe, Paul Rosen 2001, The Mw 7.1, Hector Mine, California earthquake: surface rupture, surface displacement field, and fault slip solution from ERS SAR data, Earth and Planetary Sciences 333 (2001) 545¡V55.
(Abstract) (Full text)
David T. Sandwell, Lydie Sichoix, Duncan Agnew, Yehuda Bock and Jean-Bernard Minster 2000, Near real-time radar interferometry of the Mw 7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake ,Geophysical research letters, VOL. 27, NO. 19, PAGES 3101-3104.
Gilles Peltzer, Frederic Crampe, Geoffrey King 1999, Evidence of Nonlinear Elasticity of the Crust from the Mw7.6 Manyi (Tibet) Earthquake, Science 272 ; 286
(Abstract) (Full text)