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The comparison of two refraction static correction methods


Speaker: Shih Hua-Pei



Most of the seismic data processing procedures are divided into 2-D, 2.5-D, crooked line, and 3-D types based on the differences of shot-receiver configuration. And the most importance in processing the refraction data is to obtain the refraction static corrections.


The refraction static correction includes elevation, short-wavelength and long-wavelength corrections. In general, geophysicists used to obtain first-break traveltime to compute static corrections during the processing of reflection seismic data. But recently, a refraction static correction without picking first arrival times was promoted. The author use the difference delay time (DDT) method in the CDP reflection data processing. It can save lots of time and man power when processing the static correction.


In this talk, I will introduce two ways in refraction static correction method. Which are:

•  Computation of refraction static corrections using first-break traveltime differences.

•  Refraction static correction without picking first arrival time.

And I will also show the difference between these two methods and explain how they are applied in the field.


The result shows a great success while applying these two methods in the real case. This is a technique that worth to be developed and should be applied in the rough areas with complicated refraction static problem, even in 3-D cases.


  Lawton, D. C., (1989) Computation of refraction static corrections using first – break traveltime differences. Geophysics, 54,1289-1296.

(Abstract) (Full text)


Wang, C.-Y.,Lee,Y.-H., Chang,J.-P., (2008) Refraction static correction without picking first arrival times. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 20, No.6, 769-778.

(Abstract) (Full text)