Negative correlation between power-law scaling and Hurst exponents in LRCS
models and real seismicity

Speaker: Ya-Ting Chuang



They propose a generic negative correlation between power-law scaling and Hurst exponents for ?size/magnitude data from real and synthetic earthquakes. The synthetic earthquakes were produced ?from a conceptual earthquake model, the long-range connective sandpile (LRCS) model. They calculated the power-law scaling and Hurst exponents in BTW sandpile model and LRCS ?model. They found the negative correlation between power-law scaling and Hurst exponents in ?LRCS models. It is interesting whether this negative correlation exists between B and H for real ?earthquake data. To address this question, we analyzed the earthquake catalog of the Taiwan Central ?Weather Bureau (CWB). They show an example of the temporal variations in the b- and H-values ?for seismicity data registered in the CWB catalog from 1995 to 2007. Again, the variations of the band H-values clearly display a negative correlation.The present study has important implications for ?earthquake statistics and stochastic processes. To seismologists, the negative correlation between ?the two scaling exponents (B and H) is fundamentally important for understanding earthquake ?statistics and rupturing processes. Although the negative correlation between the two scaling ?exponents (B and H) has previously been suggested in some conceptual models of earthquake fault ?systems, it has been never demonstrated for natural seismicity data. Since its introduction, the BTW ?sandpile model has represented a conceptual paradigm of self-organized earthquake fault systems. ?The original BTW sandpile models do not, however, show such a negative correlation. To the ?contrary, the negative correlation between B and H exhibited in our LRCS model seems consistent ?with past studies of earthquake fault systems and it can be also observed in the real earthquake data ?in Taiwan as presented in this paper .




    • ?Ya-Ting Lee, Chien-chih Chen, Tomohiro Hasumi, and Han-Lun Hsu, 2009. Precursory phenomena associated with large avalanches in the long-range connective sandpile model II: ?An implication to the relation between the b-value and the Hurst exponent in seismicity. ?Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 36, L02308.

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      • Ya-Ting Lee, Chien-chih Chen, Chai-Yu Lin, Sung-Ching Chi,2012. Negative correlation between ?power-law scaling and Hurst exponents in long-range connective sandpile models and real ?seismicity. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 45,125¡V130.

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