Singular value decomposition for interpretation of gravity data
Speaker: SU, Chien-lin
Date: 2013/11/21
Propagating slip pulses in earthquake ruptures (Heaton, 1990) are studied based on a one-dimensional N degree- of-freedom dynamical spring-slider system with a constant ratio of static to dynamic frictional forces. Results show that for almost all cases in the study, the rise time of ruptures at a particular site is much smaller than the duration of ruptures along the whole fault. A propagating slip pulse is generated along the fault. Hence, simulation results are in agreement with Heaton's propagating slip-pulse model.
And we propose a novel mechanism of aftershock generation by evaluating changes in the stiffness ratio (or stiffness between two blocks) of a dynamical one-dimensional spring–block model. Simulations reveal the existence of spatiotemporal event clustering (i.e., aftershocks) associated with a preceding large event (i.e., the mainshock). Therefore, we suggest that changes in the stiffness or strength of materials play an important role in aftershock generation.