The ambient noise data processing and the applications of electric potential data

Speaker: Kai-Chieh Yang

Date: 2014/01/17

Theoretical studies have shown that the cross-correlation of diffuse wave fields (e.g. ambient noise, scattered coda wave) can provide an estimate of the Green function between the stations. There are many applications from Green function extraction including ocean acoustics, structural engineering and medical diagnostics, especially in seismology research. In this presentation, I will apply ambient noise processing to self-potential data. Although ambient noise tomography develop rapidly, the documents of data processing procedures are very rarely. The purpose of this paper (Bensen et al. 2007) is to summarize the current state of data processing as it has developed since the first papers on the use of ambient noise to obtain surface wave dispersion measurements (Shapiro & Campillo 2004). The ambient noise data processing procedure can be divided into four principal steps that are applied roughly in order: (1) station preparation, (2) cross-correlation and stacking, (3) measurement of dispersion curves and (4) quality control, including error analysis and selection of the acceptable measurements. In this presentation, I will focus on introducing of step (1), step (2) and the applications of electric field data processing.



Bensen, G.D., Ritzwoller, M.H., Barmin, M.P., Levshin, A.L., Lin, F., Moschetti, M.P., Shapiro, N.M. and Yang, Y., Processing seismic ambient noise data to obtain reliable broad-band surface wave dispersion measurements, Geophys. J. Int. (2007) 169, 1239–1260. <Full text>

Slob, E., Snieder, R. and Revil, A., Retrieving electric resistivity data from self-potential measurements by cross-correlation, Geophysical Research Letters,VOL. 37,L04308 <Full text>