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鄭斐文 Title: 金瓜石金銅礦床生成來源與潛能

1. Sources and genesis of the Chinkuashih Au–Cu deposits in northern Taiwan: constraints from Os and Sr isotopic compositions of sulfides Jason Jiun-San Shena, Huai-Jen Yangb Earth and Planetary Science Letters 222 (2004) 71– 83 .

2. 金瓜石的金礦潛能 余炳盛 , 王詠絢 地質 ,(2005)

陳揚琛 Title: 台灣海域地質和構造

1.台灣海域地質區之特徵 ( 地質 17 卷 1-2 期 ;1997; 俞何興 )

2.Preliminary Neotectonic Map of Onshore-offshore Taiwan (TAO Supplementary Issue;2001; Benoit Deffontaines , Char-Shine Liu, Jacques Angelier , Chyi-Tyi Lee, Jean-Claude Sibuet , Serge Lallemand , Yi-Ben Tsai, Chia-Yu Lu, Chao-Shing Lee, Shu-Kun Hsu, Hao-Tsu Chu, Chun-Chia Lin and Hsi-Hao Hsu)

3.Digital Elevation Model Offshore Taiwan and Its Tectonic Implications (TAO Vol.9 No.4;1998;Char-Shine Liu, Shao-Yung Liu, Serge E. Lallemand , Neil Lundberg and Donald L.Reed)

余允辰 Title:大屯火山
1.The Tatun volcano group is active or extinct Proceedings of the Geological Society of China ;第43卷,第3期,第521-534頁

朱澄音 Title: 東部台灣海岸山脈海底火山島弧的噴出、沉積層序與環境
鍾霨詠 Title: New insights on 3-D plates interaction near Taiwan from tomography and tectonic implications

1.Tomographic evidence for the Eurasian lithosphere subducting beneath south Taiwan Zhi Wang, Dapeng Zhao, Jian Wang, and Honn Kao

2.Tomographic image of crustal structures across the Chelungpu fault: Is the seismogenic layer structure- or depth-dependent? Cheng-Horng Lin

曾世霖 Title:
洪松齡 Title:
陳冠翔 Title: 台灣北部地殼變形及張裂大地構造探討

1. Rau, R.J., Ching, K.E., Hu, J.C., Lee, J.C.(2008), Crustal deformation and block kinematics in transition from collision to subduction : Global positioning system measurements in northern Taiwan, 1995-2005. J. Geophys. Res.,113,B09404, 2008 .

2. Teng, L.S.(1996), Extensional collapse of the northern Taiwan mountain belt. Geology, 24, 949-952. • Teng, L.S., Lee, C.T., Peng, C.H., Chu, J.J., Chen, W.F.(2001), Origin and geological evolution of the Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan. Western Pacific Earth Science, 1, 115-142.

3. Chen, C.T., Hu, J.C., Lu, C.Y., Lee, J.C., Chan, Y.C.(2007), Thirty-year land elevation change from subsidence to uplift following the termination of groundwater pumping and its geological implications in the Metropolitan Taipei Basin, Northern Taiwan. Engineering Geology, 95, 30-47.

4. Wang, J.H.(2007), Potential Earthquakes Rupturing the Chinshan and Shangjiao Faults in the Taipei Metropolitan Area. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 19, 205-212.

5. Hou, C.S., Hu, J.C., Ching, K.E., Chen, Y.G., Chen, C.L., Cheng, L.W., Teng, C.L., Huang, S.H., Lo, C.H.(2008), The Crustal deformation of the Ilan Plain acted as a westernmost extension of the Okinawa Trough. Tectonophysics, In-press.


1.Chyi-Tyi Lee and Po-Shen Lin,(2004),Active Fault and Seismic Hazard in West Centeral Taiwan

2.李錫堤 ,(1993), 活斷層工程評估的新發展

蕭 鈺 Title:
林貴梅 Title: The Penghu Submarine Canyon off Southwestern Taiwan: Morphology and Origin

1.Chuang, C.-Y., Yu, H.-S., Morphology and canyon forming processes of upper reach of the Penghu submarine canyon off southwestern Taiwan , TAO, Vol.13, No.1,91-108, March 2002

2.Yu, H.-S., Chang, J.-F., The Penghu submarine canyon off southwestern Taiwan: morphology and origin , TAO, Vol.13, No.4,547-562, December 2002

張淵淑 Title:
邱紀瑜 Title:
黃宣維 Title: 斷層崖同震變形模式討論—以集集地震斷層崖為例

1. Lee, Y.-H., Hsieh, M.-L., Lu, S.-D., Shih, T.-S., Yu, W.-Y., Sugiyama, Y., Azuma, T., Kariya, Y., 2003. Slip vectors of the surface rupture of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, western Taiwan. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 1917-1931.

2. Angelier, J., Lee, J.-C., Chu, H.-T., Hu, J.-C., 2003. Reconstruction of fault slip of the September 21st, 1999, Taiwan earthquake in the asphalted surface of a car park and co-seismic slip partitioning. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 345-350.

3. Angelier, J., Lee, J.-C., Hu, J.-C., Chu, H.-T., 2003. Three- dimensional deformation along the rupture trace of the September 21st, 1999, Taiwan earthquake: a case study in the Kuangfu school. Journal of Structural Geology 25, 351-370.

陳若豪 Title:
黃志杰 Title: Prehistoric earthquakes along the Shanchiao fault, Taipei Basin

1.Huang S-Y, Charles M. Rubin, Chen Y-G, Liu H-C, 2007,Prehistoric earthquakes along the Shanchiao fault, Taipei Basin,northern Taiwan. Asian Earth Sciences 31, 265-276

2.?? , ?宗? , 王乾盈 , 2005, 台北盆地构造特征 , 吉林大???(地球科?版)第 35 卷 第 01 期 , 21-26

3. 陳文山 , 林朝宗 , 楊志成 , 費立沅 , 謝凱旋 , 龔慧敏 , 林佩儀 , 楊小青 , 2008, 晚期更新世 以來台北盆地沉積層序架構與構造的時空演變 , 中央地調所彙刊 第二十一號 , 61-106

石政為 Title: 彰化斷層

1.石瑞銓(Shih, Ruey-chyuan; Shih, R.C.) 謝榮木(Hsieh, Jung-Mu) ; 林育徹(Lin, Yue-Cher) 彰化斷層淺層反射震測調查 Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey of the Changhua Fault 2003 [民92] 經濟部中央地質調查所特刊 第十四號,第89-98頁

2.Wang, Chien-Ying, Shan-You Kuo, Wen-Li Shyu, Jui-Wen Hsiao Investigating Near-surface Structures under the Changhua Fault, West-central Taiwan by the Reflection Seismic Method TAO, Vol. 14, NO. 3, p.271-293, 2003 (SCI)

連芳瑩 Title: 天使的眼淚—嘉明湖是隕石坑嗎

1.Chen Chao-Hsia, Lee Yuan-his, Chung San-hsiung, Ho Yuan- Cheng and Shea Kai-Shyuan (2000) “Is the Chiaming Lake depression in the south central range of Taiwan an impact crater ?” Proceedings of the Geological Society of China,vol.43(4):667-686

2.陳肇夏,李元希,鐘三雄,陸挽中,賴慈華,黃文正, 謝凱旋,何元震,(2000)台灣中央山脈南部嘉明湖窪地 成因之探討,地質,20(1-2):1-24

3.齊士崢 (2003)天神的眼淚--嘉明湖是隕石坑還是冰斗? 中國地理學會會刊,32:1-16

4.李元希,朱傚祖(1999)向陽至嘉明湖間地層與構造研究, 經濟部中央地質調查所年報,P12

蔡旻芯 Title:新竹地區地質概說

1. 林啟文、鍾瑋、侯進雄 (2005) 台灣北部新城斷層與新竹斷層的一些構造特性, 經濟部中央地質調查所特刊第十六號,第 41-54 頁

2. Yue-Gau Chena, J. Bruce H. Shyub, Yoko Otac, Wen-Shan Chena, Jyr-Ching Hua,Bor-Wen Tsaid, Yu Wanga(2004)Active structures as deduced from geomorphic features:a case in Hsinchu Area, northwestern Taiwan, Quaternary International 115–116 p.189–p.199

洪廷毅 Title:
羅祐宗 Title:Crustal structure at the northeeaster of South China Sea

1. Chia-Yen Ku, Shu-Kun Hsu, Crustal structure and deformation at the northern Manila Trench between Taiwan and Luzon islands Tectonophysics , In Press, Corrected Proof , Available online 21 November 2007

2.Tan K. Wang, Ming-Kai Chen, Chao-Shing Lee, Kanyuan Xia, Seismic imaging of the transitional crust across the northeastern margin of the South China Sea Tectonophysics , Volume 412, Issues 3-4 , 20 January 2006 , Pages 237-254

葉仁傑 Title: The Velocity Model beneath Taiwan

1.Kim, K. H., Chiu, J. M., Pujol, J., Chen, K. C., Huang, B. S., Yeh, Y. H., Shen, P., 2005. Three-dimensional VP and VS structural models associated with the active subduction and collision tectonics in the Taiwan region. Geophys. J. Int. 162, 204-220, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02657.x.

2.Ma, K. F. , Tree-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath Taiwan. Ti-Chih, Vol.14, No.2, P.53~68, 1994.

林耕霈 Title: Eruptions Younger than 20 Ka of the Tatun Volcano

1. Cheng-Hong Chen and Szu-Bin Lin,Eruptions Younger than 20 Ka of the Tatun Volcano Group as Viewed from the Sediments of the Sungshan Formation in Taipei Basin, WESTERN PACIFIC EARTH SCIENCES , Vol.2, No.2, P.191-204, 5 Figs., 2Tabs., May, 2002

2. 莊文星、陳汝勤 (1989) 台灣北部火山岩之定年 與地球化學研究。經濟部中央地質 調查所彙刊,第 5 號,第 31-66 頁。

徐魁江 Title: Two dimensional crustal structures of Taiwan from gravity data

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