Since 3/3/2009






Geology, bathymetry and active strcutres of Taiwan

High-resolution map downoad (22 MB)

Taiwan historical earthquakes (12 MB)

Depth to the top of Mesozoic basement in the Taiwan Strait and coastal plain

A4-sized map (2 Mb), A0-sized map (pdf, 5 Mb)

Gridded data (rift_unc_depth_1m_km.grd, readable by GMT)

Clip path (thrust-500_0.xy), Readme.txt

Source: from Figure 2 Lin, A. T., A. B. Watts and S. P. Hesselbo (2003) Cenozoic stratigraphy and subsidence history of the South China Sea margin in the Taiwan region. Basin Research, 15 (4), 453-478.

Depth to the base of the Taiwan foreland basin

A4-sized map (1.6 Mb), A0-sized map (pdf, 5 Mb), Deformation front

Source: from Figure 4 in Lin, A. T. and A. B. Watts (2002) Origin of the WestTaiwanBasin by orogenic loading and flexure of a rifted continental margin. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(B9), 2185, doi:10.1029/2001JB000669.

Earthquake hypocentral locations in the Taiwan region

A2-sized map (pdf, 10 Mb)

Source: from Figure 11 in Lin, A. T. and A. B. Watts (2002) Origin of the WestTaiwanBasin by orogenic loading and flexure of a rifted continental margin. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107(B9), 2185, doi:10.1029/2001JB000669.

Central Geological Survey
Geo2010 (Websoftware) Borehole data bank for engineering geological investigations in Taiwan
Geological maps and literatures Databases for (1) geological maps, (2) literature published in Taiwan, (3) engineering boreholes
Active Faults Active faults in Taiwan (Central Geological Survey)
Cores and reports Cores and reports for hydrogeological study archived in Central Geological Survey
Taiwan Environmental Geology (Geological hazards) 坡地環境地質資料庫
National Taiwan University
Rock Database Taiwan rock samples archived in NTU Geosciences
National Museum of Natural Science
Rocks, minerals, fossils Taiwan rocks, minerals, fossils archived in NMNS.
Taiwan Ocean Data NET Work
Bathymetry/topography Bathymetry data around Taiwan
Bathymetry around the South China Sea Hydrographic Data Bank System of South China Sea
Gravity/magnetics Marine gravity and aeromagnetic data
Heatflows Marine heatflow measurements
Reflection seismic profiles Marine reflection seismic profiles
Chirp Sonar Chirp sonar data around Taiwan
Marine sediment sampling sites Box, dredge, gravity, piston, grab cores around Taiwan
Core repository and laboratory Marine cores and data
Hydrographic Data (CTD data) Temperature, Salinity, and Density variations with increasing depth around Taiwan
Current Velocity Data (ADCP data) Flow velocity around Taiwan
Taiwan Strait Nowcast System (TSNOW) Predicting current velocity, sea level in the Taiwan Strait
Institute of Applied Geology, NCU
Taiwan Earthquake Catalog 台灣地震資料查詢
Taiwan GIS data 台灣地區地理資訊查詢系統
Active Faults 台灣活斷層查詢系統
Geological Maps 地質圖幅查詢
Topographic maps 地形圖查詢
Water Resources Agency
Hydrological data Annual data reports since 1936
Geographic Information Storage Center 水利署地理資訊倉儲中心
Satellite Survey Center(Dept. of Land Administration, M.O.I.)
Taiwan Gazetteer 地名文獻搜索
1/25,000 topographic maps Generate 1/25,000-scale topographic maps and output as png files
Taiwan Triangulation Point's Coordinates
Taiwan 1/50,000 maps index
Aerial Survey Office, Forestry Bureau 農林航空測量所
Digital Map Taiwan 台灣電子地圖
Ancient map of Taiwan


Comparison of old and new maps in Taiwan


Data_giletycz_etal_2020 Data used in Giletycz et al. 2020


Basin Research Group
Last modified 9/19/2005 Copyright (c) 2005 Earth Sciences. NCU, All rights reserved.